Small Business Website Design Tips For Success

Just a few years ago, designing a website was the job of a specially trained professional. Today’s web designers and small business owners are often one in the same. The fault comes when you approach the project unprepared.

Though you may not be a digital specialist, you have all the tools you need to build a successful business website at your fingertips. Start learning what makes your business website design “good,” and check out these helpful hints.

Simple navigation

Every website, no matter the purpose, should have a simple method of navigation worked into its design. Simple navigation keeps people moving along through the rest of your website’s content. This Los Angeles legal website shows just how simple navigation can be when you use a stationary navigation bar for movement.


Image Source: Pixabay

Mobile optimization

Mobile access to the internet is everything in today’s fast-paced culture. PCs and laptops are no longer the preferred method of surfing the web, and your website’s design should account for that factor.

Mobile optimization means that your business website will function and display properly on a range of various mobile devices. You don’t want people getting frustrated with your site’s design, so be sure not to skip mobile optimization.

Enhanced communication

Communication is the tie that holds every successful business together, and your website should reflect this matter. In addition to the traditional “Contact Us” page, your business website needs other ways for web users to make a connection with the company.

Try adding an extra contact number and a simplified info form to your homepage, so web users can quickly leave their questions/comments. It is also imperative that you make certain that these questions/comments are being met with a reply.

Social media sharing icons

Social media sharing icons are all over the internet, and they should be all over your business website as well. Do a little light research to decide the best placement of your sharing icons, and start on the addition right away.

Your business blog posts, your contact page, and your products page are all excellent places to drop a few sharing icons for the most popular social media networks.

Build a collection of content

The more content your business produces for web users to explore, the more web traffic and digital visibility you stir up for your operation. Build a collection of quality, engaging business blog posts to draw added interest from passing users.

Flooding your blog with nonsense will undermine the intended purpose of its creation. Your blog posts should be relevant to your particular industry. Try using your business blog as a platform to spread knowledge about your craft, and become a trusted voice in your realm of business.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
