4 Ways To Manage STDs With Smartphone Apps

The topic of STDs is often surrounded by stigma, making it difficult for those who have already been diagnosed with STDs to manage their symptoms and medication. Luckily, there are a number of apps that allow you to discreetly learn more about diagnoses and seek additional resources. Here are four STD apps that can help you take control over your health.

STD Tx Guide

This is the official STD guide issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you are ever concerned about your symptoms, treatment, or risks, then this can be an excellent resource to learn more about an STD diagnosis. The guide covers a variety of STD conditions, recommended drug treatments, and alternative medication regimens. You can also learn about preventative actions to take, so that you can stop the spread of an infection.


It is important to consistently take your medication while treating symptoms of an STD. This medication reminder app will send you personalized alerts every time you”re due for your next dose. You”ll also be able to access a handy calendar, which identifies the doses you”ve taken in the past. MedCoach also keeps profiles on your current doctors and pharmacies, giving you a one-stop resource for your overall health management. You”ll even get handy updates when you need to refill some medication.


Image Source: Pixabay

HIV iChart

Over one million people in the US have HIV, according to statistics published by the CDC. These patients must often take various drug combinations while managing symptoms. The HIV iChart can help patients double check the compatibility of their therapy drugs, to ensure that they do not have potentially dangerous chemical interactions. Patients and healthcare professionals can use this app to manage multiple drug pairings and quickly reference whether they have interactions. The app also takes administration timing and dosage into consideration.


This general health reference guide can provide STD patients with a discreet way of learning more about their diagnosis. This app is immensely popular and has been downloaded by thousands of users worldwide. The symptom checker can help you keep an eye out for potential health issues.

If you are worried about STDs, it is imperative that you contact a doctor right away. Health care professional can help you identify sexual health concerns, get treatment, and manage symptoms. Early detection and management can be the key to a healthy and happy life.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
