5 Apps That Will Help You Maintain Your Home Life

Let’s face it. Between work, marriage, kids, and whatever else we busy ourselves with, it is challenging to keep everything at home managed.  Technology has been a blessing and a curse to our daily lives.

On one hand, technology complicates and makes our lives more fast-paced.  On the other hand, technology provides the tools to function with superior success.

Check out a few of the best mobile apps that will help you maintain your home life with ease, so you’ll have plenty of time to actually enjoy the presence of your family.

SavingStar for all your saving needs

SavingStar is the coolest way to manage your savings from your smartphone.  When you run out of your favorite “clean” cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and that weird spray stuff your husband likes, SavingStar is there to help.

The jig is you pay full price for the products in whatever store you choose to shop.  Then, you load the purchases into your SavingStar application, and it automatically applies the appropriate savings.

The savings add up, and you can cash out once you have gathered as little as five bucks.  For those who manage a larger family, this app could save you hundreds throughout the year.


Image Source: Pixabay

BrightNest for home maintenance

Work takes up a lot of your time, and the rest goes to your family and your ounce of revelry on the weekends.  It’s hard to remember when to change the filter in the air vents of your home, clean the gutters, save money on the electric bill, mow the lawn, and everything else that needs to be done to maintain the comfort and order of your home.

The good news is that BrightNest exists to manage all that jazz for you.  The app provides access to everything from DIY maintenance tips, cleaning and decor tips, and an excellent reminder function to help you remember when those filters need changing.

Glympse to keep track of each other

Glympse is a tracking program for the family.  It will make certain that no one ever gets lost (at least if they have their phone).

The app will inform trusted friends and family as to where you are when you so choose.  If you’re stuck in traffic on your way to save the babysitter, Glympse is a simple way to give them an accurate picture of your ETA.

Yummly for invention in the kitchen

For those who love to cook a tasty and creative dinner, Yummly is there to help.  The application is packed full of relevant suggestions for food blogs, recipes, and well-established foodie sites for you to scan for ideas.

Grocery iQ for shopping efficiency

This app is the ultimate grocery shopping buddy.  You can make a list, and the program will sort it out by isle.  Grocery iQ will also offer up coupon opportunities for the items on your list, because it’s in tandem with Coupon.com.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
