5 Ways Technology Saves You Money

It’s true that prices have risen as a direct result of technology. However, technology also helps us to save money if we know how to use it. Here are some of the best ways that you can save money with the help of modern advancements.

Discount and Rebate Apps

There are dozens of retail apps that offer coupons and refunds when you purchase a product. These apps will often use your location and notify you of a special deal as soon as you walk into a store. Apps like SnipSnap, Yowza, Grocery iQ, and ShopKick will help you snag some excellent savings on your favorite retail.

Rebate apps like Honey, Ibotta, BerryCart, and SavingStar will also alert you when there’s been a price drop in an item you purchased. They’ll direct you to the store’s site and help you get a rebate for the item you overpaid for. Any of these apps can save you a lot of money.


Image Source: Pixabay

Free Communication

Prices for unlimited cell phone plans are out of this world, and you can save big with the use of free technology tools. Skype, Facebook Messenger, Gmail, WhatsApp, FaceTime, and more only need a WiFi connection for your communication. You can easily stay connected without paying a dime.

Better Loan Options for Bad Credit

Getting a loan will be one of the most expensive things you do. Even though you’re given the money free at first, you have to pay it back with interest, which has you paying much more in the long run.

Loans are much more expensive if you have bad credit, but thanks to comparison sites, credit improvement plans, and the copious amounts of research available online, you can find good loans even with bad credit.

Free Entertainment

Who says you need dinner and a movie out to have a good time? There are dozens of free or dirt-cheap ways to enjoy yourself with just a smartphone. YouTube will keep you entertained for hours with cat videos, the App Store and Google Play are loaded with free or cheap games, and you can download free books on Kindle or Overdrive.

Budgeting Apps

In the past, budgeting required the use of an Excel spreadsheet or, for the more rudimentary version, a pen and paper. It involved a lot of math and careful planning, and you had to sit at your desk each night to balance your funds.

Now, there are dozens of budgeting apps that let you allocate spending and keep track of expenses right from your phone. You’ll have your budgeting app with you wherever you go and save. Some of the best free budgeting apps include Goodbudget, Mvelopes, Mint, EveryDollar, and Homebudget.

Technology can make our lives a whole lot easier if we let it. If you’re trying to find more financial freedom and control, any of these tools can be the key. Start looking into the many money-saving features of technology, and you’ll be amazed at what you find!


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
