Bulk SMS: How can it help your business

Business has new meanings these days, it has over run the traditional tools of running and growing it. The scope in everything related to business has widened tremendously, the term business has now a smart definition of being economical and effective at the same time. One of the latest tool which is a pure example of what has just been quoted and which helps a business to grow in an ultra modern way is, Bulk messaging service.

It is a new tool devised to get rid of the tedious and time consuming exercise of informing or promoting something to various people individually through SMS, which in the case of large groups, forfeits the purpose and had the chances of creating confusion while sending. This service has made the life of small and medium enterprises quite convenient and has emerged as a very economical and viable option to grow the business. Numbers of software packages, also known as SMS gateway India, are available in the market which helps an enterprise or even an individual to help the business grow. It just doesn’t save the time but offers a large coverage and visibility regarding the product, service or a brand. Since it’s a SMS, one of the best part is, the message sent is very clear and concise because of the condition of limited characters. This is a sheer no-nonsense and professional tool to reach out to new or old customers of the business.


Image Source: Pixabay

These messages can further be classified into two categories: promotional sms and transactional sms. As the name suggests very clearly, both has different agendas as their mission. Following are the examples and benefits of both the types:

The example of a Promotional SMS could be, if some exhibition is going to be held at a particular place, and the organizer chooses the SMS gateway India to send a promotional SMS to the people living in and around that venue to increase the footfall of his exhibition. By bulk SMS service, the organizer tries to promote his event by creating awareness to the masses which will grow his brand and eventually business. The benefit is, even an individual can opt this service to cater a small of set of people as per the product or service being offered.

The example of the second type i.e. Transactional SMS is, when a bank or financial institute sends its customers a SMS informing them about a certain transaction they have made recently with the bank. These SMS has two major benefits: a) it prevents frauds by keeping people updated about their funds and finances b) It helps the bank or financial institute in gaining the customers faith which eventually grows their business

Bulk SMS offers all the flexibility possible to its users to actually capitalize in the best possible way. Delivery reports of these messages can also be obtained to study and analyze the result of doing this exercise, which ascertains the further course of action of the business. A detailed feedback in a shorter frame of time is an added advantage.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
