Using Automated Collective Data Technology To More Efficiently Educate New Employees

Every day there is a new employee setting foot into some company, ready to receive input on what is expected of them and how to do the job expected of them. Just as often there is a person in a position of knowledge that is expected to train this new individual, but somewhere along the way the ball gets dropped. In process of time, it turns out that the new employee is really left to figure out for themselves how to survive in a work environment where they are not sure what is even going on or where they fit in. This situation is a disaster both for the new employee and the company that has hired them to do a job that they are not even sure what it is they should be doing. A lot of situations like this could be avoided if businesses turned to the use of automated collective data, rather than mentor relations, to ensure the new guy on the staff is brought up to speed.

The Technical Aspects of The Job

Every job has a procedure that outlines how that job should be done. In addition, every business should have a clearly outlined explanation for how they want that job to be carried out written down somewhere. Databases, such as active Wiki pages, for example, which are developed and added to over time, provides the potential for a vast wealth of information as to how every employee in a company”s employment best serves the goals the company is attempting to achieve. Aside from simply writing such information down, video based tutorials can be added to key points in a particular employees job description and function, outlining the tasks performed by that employee and how the company intends for them to carry those tasks out. The advantage of a collective data system of this type is that at any time a new employee stepping into a position of employment for the company can review this material straight from the company database. Without needing to bother anyone else in the company, they can see first hand how the person who preceded them did their job from a study of their notes and videos, stemming from the associated material related to a given job position they will be filling.


Image Source: Pixabay

Reducing The Training Time For New Employees

Since the bulk of what the new employee needs to know is uploaded to a central database containing all the relevant information surrounding their job and all its relevant tasks, this vastly reduces the need to drag other employees away from their desk to train the new guy. In other words, since the new employee can research their job before they even set foot in the company on their first day of work, even the new employee will be able to come prepared to hit the ground running. By having access to information about what other employees in the company do, outlining what is expected of them as well, the new employee can become even more efficient since he knows who to approach for assistance or guidance if any particular issue arises. This automated collective data process outlines a system of internal accountability, which more tightly holds employees to account for carrying out the tasks and responsibilities delegated to them by definition under the existing system.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
