5 SEO Tips And Tricks For Your Website Design

Designing a winning business website is an ever-changing feat. Without good placement in the SERPs (search engine results pages), your business website is a ghost. Visibility is everything in the digital realm, as you have to stand out among millions of other pieces of content.

Search engine optimization centers around the idea that following the concepts will place your digital content in good standing with Google’s search engine platform. Check out a few specific SEO tips and tricks for your website design, and start optimizing today.

Use targeted keywords

When you’re creating digital content for your business website, the words you use can make a significant impact on your findability. Web users have to be able to find your website to ever consider exploring the content, and targeted keywords simplify that process.

As an example of good keyword usage, take a look at this business blog post featuring information on how to case a well. The words case, casing, and well are used several times to clarify the purpose of the information provided.


Image Source: Pixabay

Implement the HTTPS prefix

Close to 90 percent of web users will opt out of a purchase from a site that didn’t present the HTTPS indication at the beginning of their web address.

HTTPS means that the web designer has installed an SSL certificate on their site, and every bit of traffic and data that passes through the website is encrypted and secured.

HTTPS also makes a difference in your Google SERP ranking. In 2019, Google Chrome labels websites as “Not Secure” when the HTTPS prefix is not present.

Build your website for mobile

Consider your mobile audience from square one of your website design processes. Mobile web users dominate today’s digital information waves, and you won’t measure up without mobile optimization.

Web users expect your site to work well on their mobile devices. The time for transition has passed, and 2019 web users demand mobile optimization as a standard.

Boost your loading speeds

Google measures how quickly your website loads, and uses the information as part of their list of things they use to rank websites. Slow loading sites rank low on the “totem” pole, and fast loading pages make a better impression. It’s that simple.

You can actually test your website speed rating by visiting Google’s tool for Page Speed Insights. Huge image files, slow web hosts, and a list of other variables can impact the loading speed of your website. Make sure you dial it all down and boost the loading speed of your site ASAP.

Page titles are super important

Your page titles also make a unique impression on your SERP ranking. Google looks for identifiers within the meta data and other spaces of your site. Give the spider bots what they seek, and create page titles that help identify your organization’s purpose.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
