5 Social Media Strategies For Art Galleries

Most businesses today must have some kind of online presence in order to survive. Art galleries can especially benefit from showcasing their offerings online. Many people who may not know about a particular gallery could discover it online, especially via a social media platform. Social media users may find a gallery as a result of searching for galleries or artwork from their profiles. They could also discover it unintentionally when browsing a platform or when an online connection provides a link to the gallery”s site. Regardless of the particular ways that individuals find galleries via their favorite social media platforms, many gallery owners are learning just how invaluable social media sites can be to them.

Be Available via Multiple Platforms

One of the first steps that a curator should take is to make a gallery accessible to as many people as possible. This may be initially implemented by registering with as many social media sites as possible. By getting registered on popular sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, a gallery owner can potentially market a gallery to thousands of people. The social media icons displayed at the top of this gallery”s home page inform viewers that they can access the gallery and its art in a variety of ways, for example. When fine art is readily accessible to people, they are more likely to appreciate it; by being available on social media sites, a gallery owner can increase public appreciation for the gallery and for fine art in general.


Image Source: Pixabay

Provide a Relevant Blog

As Mashable contributor Leyl Master Black points out, blogging is a great way to expose online users to an art gallery when they utilize their search functions to explore certain topics. A blog that is relevant and informative provides value to readers, and this can inspire them to return to a site and become customers. A person who reads a blog article about a local artist may later decide to attend an exhibition of that artist”s work.

Advertise on Social Media Sites

Another way to utilize social media effectively is by advertising. In addition to offering valuable information to social media users, a curator can place ads on several social media sites. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and StumbleUpon allow users to implement paid advertising. Such ads could yield significant revenue over time.

Encourage the Participation of Multiple Representatives

Offering a few different perspectives on any given subject is typically a viable strategy for a business. One person is apt to be limited in terms of opinion and areas of interest, so allowing a few trusted representatives to comment on behalf of a gallery can be helpful. Such comments should be monitored by the galley owner, but offering a range of perspectives can help to increase a social media following (and ultimately, a customer base).

Establish Real Connections with Users

As author and publisher Orna Ross mentions in a Guardian article, blatantly using social media platforms as marketing tools can be counterproductive. Establishing real connections with social media users may enable a curator to build long-term relationships. Advertising can be a useful tool, but interacting with users may be profoundly effective, as well.

Social media platforms have helped to instill art appreciation in many people who may otherwise have never been exposed to it. Gallery owners can utilize such platforms in a variety of ways. By developing an online presence via social media, a curator could bring a gallery to the attention of countless social media users.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
