Why you should consider using Joomla!

The grass is greener on the “Joomla!” side

We”ve all heard the old saying, but when it comes to Joomla!, you”ll soon learn why this holds true. The debate over which CMS deserves the crown of honor has raged on for a very long time and everyone has an opinion or loyalty that gravitates them to their choice.

Ultimately, the decision behind which CMS to use usually depends on the back-end organisation requirements, choice of template/themes and of course extensions/plugin capabilities available.

Popular choices include WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and Magento but for now, let us give Joomla! a well deserved spotlight in this brief article shall we?

But make sure you select a reputable hosting provider such as EuroVPS to manage the server side of your operation.  You want your Joomla! Site to be hosted only by the best who have experience supporting the specific CMS you plan on using, this will avoid many future headaches.

High Performance & Scalability

A platform is only as good as the response and performance results following its integration, and Joomla! Sure does deliver. With their latest 3.5 release, they”ve turbo charged performance levels by supporting the latest PHP versions, so long as your hosting provider allows for PHP version flexibility.

Joomla! Combined with PHP 7 yields unmatched results by utilizing less memory than any competing platform out there.

As any website owner, you hopefully plan to increase traffic over time and maximize the output of your website offering whatever that might be. Consequently, your platform must cater to this growth making it easy to deal with the unexpected expansion of content, users and interactions with your visitors.

Joomla! Allows for this growth with its superior user interface and content management feature. It provides the flexibility to choose how you wish to organize your content categorically whether it may be an article, page, menu, tag, you name it.


Image Source: Pixabay

It”s powerful content management features also easily support third party functionalities without any need for added code, plugins, or hard labor for application integration.

Now Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have a website whose content will continue to grow?
  • Am I dealing with a complex site structure?
  • Do I value the concept of true organization, efficiency, and sustainable output?

If the answer is yes to even 2 out of 3 questions, you should surely keep reading

Easy as Pie

Maybe you”re inexperienced with an excess of funds, and have decided to hire a designer/developer to manage your online project – you don”t need to worry about a thing since you have someone on your team with the knowledge, right?


As in any business, the owner, or head of management needs to have at the very least some understanding of the ongoing activities taking place, and some abstract view of how it”s all being done.

Fortunately, Joomla! Solves this problem by providing an extremely easy user-interface.

The developers and visionaries of this platform made it possible to create a site as easy as it is to send a Fax (although newer generations may find completing this “ancient” task challenging but I digress).

Investing a few hours is enough to get comfortable with the platform, build a strong understanding of how the website”s structure and organization is managed, and get started adding content yourself.

Now if you”re really not interested in learning the platform that supports your very own business, it has to at the very least be mind settling to know your developer is working on a straightforward, clean, and organized CMS.

Nothing is more confusing than using a CMS platform that lacks consistency – Joomla! Hit a homerun with their standardization throughout the core of their platform. To put it simply, once you”ve learned how to master one feature in Joomla!, you”ve learned far more than you think – the same practice and knowledge will apply to a wide array of features throughout the core.

Still with me? Great, now go ahead ask yourself these additional questions :

  • Do I have limited time to my disposal?
  • Am I a technically inexperienced entrepreneur who wants to join in on the benefits of online business and interaction?
  • Do I want some level of control over the CMS powering my business, income, and livelihood?
  • Will I have more than a few employees using the platform?

Even with 2 out of 4 answers being yes, you”re a step closer to making the right decision.

But WordPress has the most plugins.

Save yourself the time, and hassle of falling into the “everyone does it” trap. WordPress certainly has a greater number of plugins and is very popular, however not for everyone.

WordPress is naturally geared towards catering to bloggers and content curation, with a constrained framework supporting minimalistic design features.

Joomla! On the other hand is versatile and flexible when it comes to web design.

WordPress provides it”s users with themes, whereas Joomla! Provides templates that allow room for design customization. Not only can you customize your template, but you can actually utilize more than one template across your website.

Any page on your website can essentially have its own design settings, the flexibility gives room to designers to envision the most optimal website to engage their visitors and make it a reality. Definitely worth mentioning is the immense number of extensions available for use with Joomla!

Final questions to ask yourself :

  • Do I have a website with a large number of pages
  • Do I want the flexibility and control over my sites appearance across the board, able to make a new design layout/concept for a “special” page of mine?
  • Is my website geared towards more than just content curation and/or a blog?

By now you can imagine, if you”ve answered Yes to the majority of the questions throughout this article, it”s highly likely Joomla! Is the right choice for you, along with 35 Million other users, at least.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
