How Did Counter Strike Come Out?

Counter Strike is one of the most played multiplayer games in the gaming world. Every year, there are lots of matches held between the best teams. But there is one question on everybody’s mind. How did this ground breaking game come out?
Well Counter Strike has been out since 9 November, 2000. It has been 17 years since we have been playing this game. It has been a favorite of all gamers. There are many gamers that have been a fan of this game since it came out, but there are few that have become familiar with it after the latest release, which is one of the most successful games ever. The game also has CS GO major tournaments around the world. The most expensive CS:Go gloves can be seen on tournaments.

Image Source: Pexels

The Developer

The first part of the game was developed by Minh Le, who was a student and had a great idea for a game. He always wanted to make a game that was based on a theme with terrorists and counter terrorists. This is one of the themes that were not taken by the game developers. It made him more keen to develop a game with such a theme, because to him, it felt like a underrated theme that could have been a very good thing to start with. Le started working on the game, he worked with Half-life for the game. It was very well known and provided Le with the type of game environment he needed.
Le worked for hours for developing the game. You can tell that a person is passionate if he is working for more than 40 hours a week and studying in the University at the same time.
Eventually the game came out in 9th November, 2000. It was a huge success and was a complete surprise to Le who wasn’t suspecting this much support. From then, it was one of the most successful game series of all time. In-game economy is very important in Counter series. So, we’il take you to the CS GO economy guide. The best cheap CS:GO skins are preferred by players.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

CS:GO is the latest game in the series. It is one of the most successful games in the series. People love it and the game is played by a lot of players. There is CS GO ranking system in the game . It is the top ranking multiplayer competitive FPS game on Steam. How to rank up in CS:GO ? The answer is very simple by winning the matches.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
