Mixing Social Media and Physical Mediums

It can be difficult these days to get your message out. And it doesn”t even really matter what your message is. It can be a message about your business. It can be a message about what you think are good things or bad things about your life or life in general. You have something to say, but you”re not sure how to put it out there in a way that will get the right kind of attention from the right people. That”s where looking to technology can help you out a bit.

In one perspective that you can take is that you want to figure out how to mix social media and physical mediums using technology as the glue. For example, you can work with screen printing. You can do giveaways at events. You can learn the business angle of social media and how it relates to real-world activities. And you can study how to create conversations in many different virtual and physical realms.

Image Source: Pixabay

Screen Printing

One good example of using technology to get your message out mixing social media and physical mediums is by using screen printing for your business. You can come up with a digital idea and then physically print that idea on a shirt or a hat for example. And then when people wear that shirt or hat, they automatically are promoting your brand when they”re out in public. This is a classic way to mix the technology of design with the technology of printing in an affordable way to spread your message.


Giveaways are another exciting way to appropriate technology for your messaging purposes. If you go to an event and give away branded thumb drives with some of your digital products on them, this is a great way to garner attention. If the symbology behind your brand is solid and you have charismatic people out giving a product away, it”s a great way to illustrate the people that you have valuable information that you”re willing to spread to them in return for their attention.

Learning the Business Angle

When you use social media for business specifically, there are many different angles that you have to approach your goal from. Anyone who sniffs out the fact that you are trying to promote and advertise something rather than being interested in what they”re saying is going to reject your overtures. Knowing that this is the case, you need to look how the industry leaders are creating this bridge, and follow suit.

Creating Conversations

Ultimately, mixing social media and different real-world techniques is all about creating conversations. You need to associate your message to your brand, and your brands to your social platforms, and then your social platforms to different conversational topics that other people are interested about that you can add value to.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
