Online Resources On The Cannabis Controversy

The legalization of Marijuana has been one of the most controversial topics in the medical sectors worldwide especially in North America. The infamous Red Light District of Amsterdam is a hot spot for legal use of recreational Cannabis. However, the United States and Canada have been exploring the potential medical benefits of Marijuana. According to research, the health benefits of Marijuana have been recognized by ancient civilizations. In the internet age, the average person can now get a tremendous amount of objective and accurate information about controversial topics such as the legalization of medical Marijuana.

Health professionals and legitimate farmers of medical Marijuana offer loads of virtual resources to individuals who want to form their own opinion about the place of certain illicit drugs in the pharmaceutical marketplace. By using blogs and other online platforms, independent researchers and scientists at renowned universities can publish their own conclusions about the legitimacy of Marijuana in the medical field. For example, Cannabis has been proven to help people who suffer from glaucoma, chronic pain and joint or tissue inflammation.

Social Media Is A Truth Meter

The rise of social media has given the ordinary individual a voice that could be heard all over the world. Mainstream media outlets no longer hold monopolies on breaking news. The internet often tells both sides of the story of an unfolding conflict on any scale. During a war between two nations or other factions, photo and video sharing websites allow fighters and civilians to provide firsthand accounts of the events on the front lines of the battle. When a major war erupts, the mainstream media tends to pick sides and manipulate the coverage based on political and economic agendas.


Social media websites have been used to expose false reports about massacres and other alleged atrocities during wartime. Some countries sometimes stage mass killings of civilians in a Hollywood fashion. For instance, the Palestinian entity of Hamas has been often accused of staging attacks in order to demonize Israel in the eyes of a worldwide audience. The mainstream news outlets might record such wartime events as tragic events that are then shown worldwide. Behind the scenes on the ground, an ordinary person who is caught in the crossfire might use a smartphone or camera to show how “dead bodies” suddenly come back to life when the mainstream media agencies leave.

Blogs Are Powerful Informational Portals

Prominent politicians, journalists and other public figures utilize blogs in order to directly elaborate on controversial issues that might not receive enough airtime on TV broadcasts. Even better, bloggers could directly answer questions that are generated by internet users who are hungry for more information about hot topics. Blogging also allows high profile individuals a sense of true freedom in using phrases and expressions that might be censored on mainstream media. A blog could also be updated in real time as headline-making events unfold somewhere.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
