Space-saving Must Haves For Your Purse

Women who like to be prepared or are frequently on the go often carry everything they might need in a purse from a snack to a book to a first aid kit, and purses do have the capacity to hold an impressive amount of items. The Well Armed Women even suggests that certain smart phone cases can store a small gun. These helpful gadgets still allow you to store plenty of other things in a purse or are perfect for ladies who like to travel light.

Lost and Found

The downside of having a full purse is that it is sometimes hard to locate a needed item, but the TrackR sticker allows you to find anything using your phone. Those who frequently misplace keys or a wallet can attach the device to an item, and TrackR can make noise or use a GPS network to show one where a missing object is. It is just as easy to lose a phone as it is keys, so two-way capabilities allow you to use TrackR to find a lost phone.

Picture Perfect

No one gets out a wallet anymore to show off photos because everything is kept on cell phones, but there is another option for those that want to keep pictures handy. The Insignia Digital Photo Keychain is like a miniature, electronic photo book that allows you to transfer photos with a USB cable. You can store and view 40 photos on the LCD screen and help your cell phone save memory, or those without a smart phone can still have a device that displays quality pictures.


Image Source: Pixabay

Take Your WiFi With You

Whether you frequently search for free WiFi or are afraid of who can access your information on public networks, Karma is a small square that fits in a purse or pocket and connects multiple devices to the internet. Users get their own private network and only pay for what they use.

The Pen is Mightier Than The Fax Machine

Efficiency is extremely important for those with stressful jobs and working moms, and the Docupen X is a convenient tool the size of a pen that lets you scan and send documents from anywhere. Bluetooth capabilities allow you to easily transport files from the pen to your devices, and this portable scanner and fax machine comes with 64 MB of memory.

Battery Boost

Portable or wireless chargers help power devices when one is away from the home or office, but these devices can be expensive for those who do not usually drain or forget to charge cell phones. The Emergency Phone Charger works for those out of the ordinary situations when you need a little more power to make a call if your phone is about to die. This affordable energy booster runs on batteries and makes a great stocking stuffer.

Many women like having a well stocked purse full of travel size items. All these gadgets serve a purpose without taking up much room in a purse.

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About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
