Why Infographics Are NOT Dead

Content is the most important thing for any website, in whatever form it comes in. The way in which you get your message across to your audience can not only entertain, educate and engage them; but in can turn them into customers – even repeat customers who keep coming back for more because you provide them with everything they’re looking for.

The problem that a lot of companies have is in producing that all-important content. Having spent so much time building a website, a client base and – of course – a range of products and services, there is no time left to spend on writing articles about how you do your work, why you do it and so on.

More to the point, once you’ve written an article about why people should buy your particular product and how it can save them time and money, it’s done… what now?


Image Source: Pixabay

It’s been proven that people tend to engage more with visual content, the kind of things they can run their eyes over at their convenience without having to read too much information. This is why the likes of YouTube have been so successful, and Facebook have revealed several times that the most liked and shared content on the platform is visual – videos and images.

So rather than spending your time trying to write hundreds, even thousands of words on a subject that isn’t that interesting, but is relevant to your audience, it might be worth considering an infographic.

This form of content is like an image, but it contains all of the vital information you need to get across. You may have seen some examples without even realising, and Bulldog Infographics are great at designing and producing graphics that people engage with.

There was a lot of talk about infographics a couple of years ago, especially in the digital marketing world, and most of it related to the fact that they have been “overused” and that this form of content was dead.

While many did go too far with their infographics, creating one on an almost weekly basis, others used them more wisely and reached out to new and existing audience members, particularly through social media.

By posting the infographics on social media they were able to reach out to people who were already fans of their page or followers on Twitter, and this meant that every like, share or retweet helped them to reach hundreds more potential customers without even having to pay to do so.

Of course, there are ways of reaching specific audiences by paying, and that’s with targeted ads on social media which help you to reach people in specific locations or with particular interests.

These infographics are an excellent way of showcasing what you can do, and by placing your brand name or logo onto the graphic it’s a subtle but effective form of marketing. It doesn’t plaster your name across the content, which will discourage people as it becomes an obvious piece of marketing, but it does help you to build up your brand reputation.

When done the right way, all forms of content can be effective. The only reason why people believed that infographics were dead was because they didn’t have the ‘wow’ factor anymore. Too many people were producing infographics because it was ‘the thing to do’ rather than because they had something useful to produce.

Provided that the graphic is useful, eye-catching and engaging, they still have a place in modern digital strategies.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
