Must-Have Design Elements For A Successful Website

Claiming your space on the internet is about more than just launching a functional website.  Functionality is still pretty important in terms of design, but there’s a lot more to it now.  The internet has evolved, and the way you build your website should reflect the shift.

When you’re building a website, you’re working to draw engagement from interested users.  Take a few moments to check out some of the most crucial design elements you’ll need to create your own successful website, and start plotting your course to the future today.

Elements of communication

A good website has to encourage visitors to share their thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns.  Getting people to communicate with your operation gives you an open door to future communications.

Add a standard “Contact” page, but go a step further.  Try adding a contact form to your page, like this industrial metal casting company did on their site.  You could also add a simple phone number or email address too.


Image Source: Pixabay

Simplistic navigation design

A good website is easy to use.  If your pages are difficult to use, people won’t stick around to try to figure it all out.  Designing for simple functions is advised, especially when you are looking to boost visitor engagement on your website.

A simple stationary navigation bar will entice users to engage in the exploration of your pages and spend more time on your website.  When more time is spent, you have a larger window of opportunity to build a lasting connection.

Mobile users are abundant

Always design your web content to serve the mobile community online.  You can be sure mobile users will visit your pages, and it’s your job to make sure it’s a savory experience.  Mobile users are the majority online, so their needs are worth being considered.

Pages that adapt seamlessly to a mobile screen, tappable buttons, and speedy loading are just a few of the elements that matter most when you’re working to design a website that pleases the mobile community online.

Learn the value of SEO

Search engine optimization will help you to better understand what the search engines are looking for in your design.  If you can design to please the search bots, you can have your site placed in the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages), granting your site much more visibility to users.

Don’t forget social media

Finally, you can’t forget to add social media to the mix.  Social media is a huge outlet for activity and visibility online, and adding simple sharing buttons to your website design is useful.  Granting users the ability to “share” when they find something useful or interesting gives your site a shot at some free marketing.


About Author
Vinod is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on DigitalYcia.
